EDR Repræsentantskabsmøde 2021


Landsforeningen holder repræsentanskabsmøde d. 20. november. 2021


EDR er DIN stemme hos danske og internationale myndigheder

Styrk EDR – Styrk amatørradioen

Vær medlem af EDR – Din forening


The IARU represents the interests of the Amateur Radio Service worldwide to relevant international organisations, promoting the interests of amateur radio and seeking to protect and enhance its spectrum privileges.

Over the years, the IARU has worked hard to give all radio amateurs new bands at 136 kHz, 472 kHz, 5 MHz, 10 MHz, 18 MHz, 24 MHz, and 50 MHz and a regional European allocation at 70 MHz. In addition to that, the IARU has obtained: