WWROF Announces:
New Director, Philipp Springer, DK6SP.
Long-Time Director, Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV Steps Down
Fredricksburg, TX – August 21, 2020
The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation, Inc. (WWROF) is pleased to announce the election of Philipp Springer, DK6SP, to its board of directors, effective immediately. WWROF Chairman Tim Duffy, K3LR, says, “We’re excited to welcome Philipp to our leadership team, in particular for his enthusiasm for radio sport and highly respected representation of the youth in our hobby.”
Philipp, who is 22 years old, began his ham radio career in early 2008 at the young age of ten, ultimately being issued the novice call sign, DO6PS. In 2013 he upgraded to a full operating license and was granted the call sign DK6SP, which he has held ever since. Philipp is a member of the IARU Region 1 Youth Working Group and the German amateur radio society DARC, where he is also responsible for leading activities for Youngsters-on-the-Air (YOTA) – Team Germany program. In addition, he is also a member of AGCW-DL, SKCC, CWOPS and the Bavarian Contest Club. Philipp proudly participated at WRTC 2018 in Germany as Team Y82D, together with youth team member HA8RT, achieving a respectable 23rd place finish amongst 63 teams staffed by the best contest operators in the world. Most recently, Philipp gained his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with emphasis on logistics management and plans to progress as a master’s student.
In addition, WWROF is announcing the retirement of Dennis Motchenbacher, K7BV from its board of directors. “On behalf of the WWROF board, we want to thank Dennis for his invaluable contributions to our activities and unique industry insight,” said Tim Duffy, K3LR. Dennis continues to be a dedicated operator on the HF and VHF bands and looks forward to being even more active.
*About WWROF*
The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation is a non-profit, donor-supported organization dedicated to improving the skills of amateur radio operators around the world, utilizing education, competition, advancement of technology and scientific research, promoting international friendship and goodwill, and preparing them to better serve society in times of communications need. In addition, WWROF provides major assistance, including the infrastructure for log submissions, log checking, reporting, and other support services for many popular radio contests. For more information, log on to: https://wwrof.org/.