CWops Announces 2021 Recipient of Award for Advancing the Art of CW
The CWops Club is a worldwide organization of CW enthusiasts with over 2500 members who strive to promote and encourage the use of CW, educate in the skills and use of CW, and which supports a range of events and programs that allow members to continually learn, practice and improve their CW skills.
The purpose of this yearly award is to recognize individuals, groups and organizations that have made the greatest contribution(s) toward advancing the art or practice of radio communication by Morse Code. This is the sixth year that CWops has made this Award.
We were fortunate in 2021 to have received many worthy nominations for this year’s award and we thank all the nominees for their continuing commitment to expanding the use and enjoyment of CW on the air. This year’s winner stood out for creating and managing a new and very successful activity that in its first year has had a strong impact on getting new CW operators active on the air and integrating them into the larger CWops community.
The K1USN Radio Club
The K1USN Radio Club for creating and managing the K1USN Weekly Slow Speed [con]Test (SST) in the US and Europe that provides a place for new and unpracticed CW operators to gather and operate at relaxed speeds in a friendly and encouraging manner that helps them continue to improve their CW skills.
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